The T2Diet Program was created by Dr Jedha, DMPs Founder, during her PhD at Deakin University. The program will be available here at DMP soon.
Over the 3.5 years of the PhD program, Dr Jedha took all the knowledge she had gathered over the past decade of researching type 2 diabetes low carb nutrition. In addition, the information and resources developed by the DMP Team helped to form the foundation of the program.
Dr Jedha then conducted more extensive research during her PhD, examining all the scientific literature on the topic of low carb nutrition and digital health for people with type 2 diabetes, with a particular focus on dietary interventions.
The first paper to get published was a systematic review of web-based diet programs in type 2 diabetes using a randomized controlled trial (the gold standard of high quality research). Surprisingly, there were only 5 in the entire world!
Following this, Dr Jedha gathered 21 people with type 2 diabetes to get their feedback during development of the T2Diet Program – the paper was published in Internet Interventions.
People involved in this early user-centred research helped to form the structure of the program, which now consists of 16-weeks structured into modules with videos, recipes, guides, and actions steps to follow.
The next step was to conduct a clinical trial of the T2Diet Program. Before that however, Dr Jedha had to work on a detailed course of action for the study.
With the support of her research team – Professor Kylie Ball, Associate Professor Shariful Islam, Dr Elena George, Dr Gavin Abbot and Dr Mohammadreza Mohebbi – a detailed and comprehensive protocol was developed for the study – published in BMJ Open.
The clinical trial was conducted between Feb 2021 and Feb 2022 and the results of the trial are soon to be published, so stay tuned for an update on that.
The other component of the T2Diet Study was to assess the engagement of the program by looking at site usage data and interviewing 15 people who took the program – this was published in PLOS ONE.
Overall the feedback was great, with 80% of people following the program as suggested.
The next step with the T2Diet Program is to release it to the public and follow people over a longer period of time so we can assess longer term effects and maintenance.
**Stay tuned for the T2Diet Program trial results, to be published soon.**