Real People; Real Results!
Dean maintains a HbA1c of 5.6 to 5.8%
The T2Diet has helped Dean improve his overall health. He lowered his HbA1c by 1.3% and his last three readings have stayed around 5.6 to 5.8%. His doctor has reduced his medication. He has a newfound love for vegetables and uses the recipes daily.
Malena effortlessly loses weight & maintains it
The program helped Malena refocus on her goals. She lost 4 kg effortlessly and is happy that she continues to maintain the weight loss. She reduced HbA1c by 0.7% and has maintained a level at 6% or under.
John lowered HbA1c by 3%
John came into the program to learn more about the impact of diet on his diabetes health. He followed the weekly nutrition modules and discovered the connection and was amazed at the results – he lowered HbA1c by 3%, lost 5-6 kg, and reduced medications.

Before I found the T2Diet Program I was struggling to control my levels and weight and was really confused with what to actually eat. The program helped me lose 4kg and drop my A1c by 0.6%. I now have a clear diet plan that I stick to and since completing the program I’ve gone on to lose another 6kg. The recipes are that good that my whole family enjoy them as well.
My next goal is dropping Metformin medication, which could be possible soon according to my GP. After losing my Father to diabetes-related problems I’m very driven to reverse it, or to be able to manage my diabetes medication free. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to achieve this. ~Justin
Jackie now understands her numbers
Jackie now manages her diabetes better because she understands the meaning of her numbers and how what she eats affects her diabetes health. She lowered her HbA1c from 8% down to 7% and hasn’t been down that low for years.
Helen finally achieves successful weight loss
Helen struggled for a long time with achieving weight loss and wasn’t getting any support from other sources. The program provided the education, support and encouragement to help her engage and rethink the importance of her own health. She’s now lost 26 kg!
“I wanted to share my great results having been on this plan for only one month. 3 months ago my A1C was 8.7 and my recent blood work showed it at 7.4. My endocrinologist was very impressed and thinks I will be at the target level by my next testing in 3 months. The recipes are easy, quick and good but it does take some getting used to when we’re used to eating too many carbs. However, just eating your meal plan for a month and seeing the results gives me motivation to continue. I have decided to stick with it and get myself to a good A1C. Thank you for your dedication to diabetes research and food
~Gloria G
“My a1c started out around 9.5. it has been at 5.4 for the past six months. I have lost close to 23kg and my goal is 9kg more to be were I need to be. Thanks again for All the great recipes and help.” …. JoAnn’s 1 year update: ” I used you program after I found out I was Type 2. It has been over a year and with your program and the great information in it, I have been able to keep my A1C at a 6. Thanks for all your help.”
~JoAnn B
“My A1c was 6.7. It is now 5.6!! I have lost 14.5kg. I am eating much healthier and exercise 6 days a week. My life has changed forever, but instead of being overwhelmed and depressed, I now have a sense of purpose and a challenge to get as healthy as possible. Thank you!”
~Julie P
“Hi DMP Staff, DMP in my opinion is the best diabetes website worldwide – many thanks for top notch info. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2015 – at that stage I started off with low GI then low GL – after reading Gary Taubes “The Diet Myth” or “Good Carbs, Bad Carbs” + info from DMP, I eventually restricted my carb intake with astounding results: BG strictly controlled between 4–7 with the aid of an APP (mySugr), a calculated A1c of 5% (confirmed by Path Lab). Off Metformin for past month.”
~Bill G
“I wanted to see my A1c under 5.7 but my doctor told me that because of the medications I have to take, not to expect that to happen. I got great news today. My A1C is 5.8!! I am so grateful for DMP!”
“Hi Jedha, I’ve been following your low carb meal/snack advice for about three months now. I’m a 77 year old male, and went from an A1c reading of 7.9 to 6.0; also lost 9.9kg. Thanks for all the help!”
~Paul O
“My blood glucose varied from 11.1 to 13.0 and I felt very out of control. Now I’m a pretty consistent 8.9 and slowly going down. I have also dropped 3.6kg.”
“My turn-around is all thanks to the people at DMP. Less than a year ago, I weighed 72.5kg–more than I ever had pregnant–and my whole system was out of whack-including high sugars. I started running but it wasn’t enough. Thanks to the information on your website, I am down to a healthy 49.8kg and feeling much better without any meds. Thank you for showing me that way and for giving my three young children back their active, healthy, and happy mama!”
“I’ve been following your plans for about a month now. My bs range was 8.3 to 10.3 for am fasting. Now it’s ranging from 5.8 to 7.8.”
“Good website. Thank God you are there. I got more information from you than from doctor’s office.”
~Kathy K
“I really like how simple & precise the recipes are along with how tasty. Thanks for such a valuable program!”
~Linda O
“I am loving the quality and amount of information in one place, and the recipes. Having been recently diagnosed with Type 2, I was feeling overwhelmed with all the information. There was much that was conflicting and confusing. This site has been the best for logic, education and consistency. Especially as I endeavour to control and hopefully reverse my diagnosis through diet and lifestyle.”
~Sandra D
“I love the cooking ideas and variety of the meal plans and all the educations information. Most diabetic cookbooks and websites allow too much rice, potatoes, pasta, bread and even sugar(!) in their recipes. DMP has realistic carb info and delicious food recipes too.”
“I love every recipe I have tried so far. Especially appreciate the 5 ingredient ones. I have found it sooo helpful to prep all my veggies on one day and either freeze them or just refrigerate them. Makes cooking much faster! I have been eating low carb for a month and exercising every day and I do feel better and am thrilled my numbers are better, too.”
~Gini D
“I am so thankful to find this site. I think you folks are performing a great service. if doctors know the answer they certainly are not good at telling and the educators seem stuck with an old set of rules. in my case I have just been silly about how to handle it. I found you folks and am already seeing a change in both blood glucose and weight and feel I have some new strategies to move forward. thank you so much.”
~Jim H
“Thank you for all your help and info. I have been following your diet plan since the day after I found out I was a diabetic. I feel great, I’ve lost 10.8kg, and the inflammation in my hips and back has decreased. Your web site gave me so much helpful information, more than my doctor gave me.”
~Beverly C
“It is so good to have help as I begin to make these dietary changes, especially after having wandered along without the nutritional guidance I need. So much out there it is difficult not to become overwhelmed. Meal planning and shopping has become so much easier. Thank you!”
~Judy S
“When I was diagnosed last year, my A1C was 7.7, my doctor put me on Janumet which made me extremely ill. She suggested l lose some weight by having smaller portions of such foods like bread, rice, sweet potatoes and yams, notwithstanding the fact that I told her that those foods I seldom ate because they made me feel hungry shortly after I ate them. I did some research and found your site, I stopped taking Januvia which had replaced the Janumet, and I started a low carb diet. In three months my A1C dropped to 6.1. I have also lost 18.1kg. I applaud you for your commitment to sharing your knowledge which has made an enormous difference in many lives.”
“Your resources provided the tools I needed to bring my blood glucose level down, until my A1c test results were within normal range. Thank you for all you do!”
~Pat B
“Best Information for Diabetics on the web! Thank You, Jedha.”
~Matt S
“I like the presentation and the recipes. It is comprehensive. The improvement I’ve seen is my blood sugar has been constant.”
~Tony H
“The information, the recipes, the support – I don’t feel so hopeless. I love the fact that it all reminds me that I can still eat! I just love how much clear, understandable information is available. I appreciate the very quick responses I have received from my emails. Excellent resource! Thank you so much!!”
~Elizabeth B
“Very User-friendly. Love your site and recommended it friends. My blood sugar was a whopping 22.0. My doctor put me on Metformin 750mg. I weighed 122kg. To date I have lost 15.8kg and my blood sugar average 5.2 2-hours after evening meal and 5.7 in the morning. I have been following your suggested menus.”
~Alan S
“The ease of your yummy recipes and that they can be adjusted for number of servings is what I enjoy. Also, that you provide tons of helpful information. I have contacted customer service and have been pleased with the quick response and the simplicity of the answers (rarely the case with other corporate customer service departments).”
“I love all the choices. And the amount of time you spend on posting articles of value to us and how well the articles explain what is being said without leaving us with questions about sources or verification’s. Also the cooking class video’s are very helpful. Just keep up what you are doing.”
~Gregg B
“Your site is wonderful. You make everything clear and understandable about all information. Your meal planning is helpful. I have Type 2 diabetes and CKD. Your information helps me with the diabetes and I just don’t eat the AVOID foods for the CKD.”
~Sharon L
“I enjoy the fact that the weekly meal plans come with the grocery list and make ahead plans. My husband and I have both lost about 6.8kg since starting with DMP. We are excited about that.”
~Linda M
“DMP are very responsive with helpful ideas. They stick with you all the time. Encouraging and motivating. Their recipes are very good and you can get results.”
~Nancy H
“So user friendly. Everything’s about helping people with all types of Diabetes. So much information that is readily available and easy to understand. Your sincerity in helping people with all types of Diabetes comes through.”
~Caroline K
“My health has improved dramatically. I now am taking fewer medications and maintaining an A1C of 5.8! Eating low carbs has become habit, and requires much less struggle. Every time I look for specific information, I am pleased and informed to find it. Keep up what you do! You have earned my trust! My doc is much more impressed now than he was when I began this diet change.”
~Sheryl D
“When I was diagnosed as prediabetic, I went to the internet to learn what changes needed to be made to my diet. The information was all over the place. Much of it was conflicting. When I found DMP, I was impressed with the site and how clear and concise the information was. I’m off and running and I appreciate your hard work in building such a comprehensive members site”
~Mike C
“It is important to me to control my diabetes with diet alone but I was failing miserably. I had been seeing Diabetes Meal Plans on Pinterest but I hesitated to join. Two things changed my mind. First, the week before I joined my blood sugar had been reaching tremendous highs and, quite frankly, it scared me. Second, I saw The massaman curry soup and it looked so good. I joined and in five weeks my A1c went from 6.5 to 6.1. The meals are delicious. That soup has become my absolute favourite. The recipes are easy to follow , there’s terrific variety and I love the slow cooker recipes. I am really glad I joined.”
~Maria G
“I don’t have to starve myself to get a good healthy meal and lose weight too. A1c is down to 6.5 was closer to 8 before. Thanks for helping me get on track with what I can eat”
~Cathy M
“I learned what foods to eat and how it all plays a part in managing blood sugar. I am losing weight, blood sugar readings are getting better, definitely eating healthier.”
“I learned about the importance of carb monitoring and blood glucose testing! I’m now eating healthier. My A1c went from 7.5 to 7.2. Lost about 4.5kg.”
~Ester R
“I’m making healthier food choices. Cooking again (huge step) because you’ve shown me quick plans. And prepping and packing lunches! Wish the doctor’s office would have shown YOUR way of doing it when I was first diagnosed. I probably would not have stuck my head in the sand so long! Glad I found you!”
~Maxine Y
“I lowered bs 1.7-2.2 without meds, weight loss 3.6kg, easier meals to prepare and feeling in control of my health. You did a wonderful job and explained each day in a clear format and gave excellent aids to complete and continue the process. Thank you.”
“There were so many things that I learned that were important for my health and wellbeing however being aware that my blood sugar monitoring was necessary for me so that I could understand what foods were triggering the highs. When I started I went from 15 to 4.5. It has fluctuated daily but averages about 6 which I am happy with but realising there is still the need to understand what carbs are affecting my sugars. I now have lower blood sugars, I look more carefully at what I am buying and eating. I have definitely lost weight although I haven’t weighed myself for a month. As my husband says, the clothes let you know you have lost and yes they fit and look better. Love the recipes, have tried some and shared them with family and friends. I think this is very well done. Thank you so much.”
~Donna R
“Since I met you guys I am on a right track sugar level not more than 7 and food is incredible so yummy specially pancake with almond flour and coconut flour for mexican taco, list goes on and on. I thank you from the core of my heart you are amazing people thanks for the support”
“I have to say I’ve seen a change in my numbers from the time I start following your low carbs diet. My aim is to reduce the number to a lower number. Thanks so much for your articles and ur diet.”
~Earlene P
“I achieved lower A1C and healthier eating overall for me and my husband. Planning the meals keeping in mind the carbs and sugar content of the food. Thank you for the program. It was a great help to us and we hope to continue with some adjustments.”
~Wendy B
“I learned I don’t have to live in fear of diabetes, but can take my power back and be proactive about it. I’m feeling very upbeat and positive about my eating habits being modified and changed without feeling deprived or like a victim.”
~Sandra T
“I learned that there are still a lot of options open to me. Taking time to plan ahead lessens the stress of meal preparation. I’m definitely eating healthier. And I appreciated the alternative recipes such as bread and crackers.”
“I love the versatility of the members site. Delicious recipes that are easy to understand and prepare. I’m able to add, delete and personalise my meal plan so that it fits my schedule and taste. My husband is a picky eater, but he’s enjoying the dishes too!”
“My partner is prediabetic and after following the guidelines on your site we are hoping for good blood results in a week or two, but in the meantime he’s lost over 10.8kg in weight. Thanks for providing such an informative website.”
~Carol S
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